Digitalizing and improving solutions of societal importance

Kantega has a task of national significance ahead when collaborating with Enova in making the governmental company more data-driven. With a yearly investment of four to six billion NOK in climate and energy measures, Enova is a central actor in helping Norway reach its climate targets. With the help from Kantega, Enova’s solutions for support schemes will be improved through a new data- and analysis platform. Working with analytical data in a new and more efficient way will be a great contribution to Enova’s success in their mission.

Learn more about Kantega below.

A short presentation of the company

Kantega is an IT consulting company 100% owned by the employees. Our mission is to help our clients build business-critical software systems. We aim to be a one-stop shop by having a broad range of expertise ranging from data scientists, data engineers, cloud architects, UX designers, full stack developers, as well as consultants with deep skills in areas such as innovation and business development, security, system integration and test & quality management.

Our clients dominate domains such as banking & finance, the public sector, mobility, and green energy.

Kantega AI - Datalake
Kantega uses AI to help customers build business-critical software systems.

How does Kantega use AI?

We use AI in many ways depending on our customers’ needs, ranging from using computer vision to identify objects in a video stream to developing machine learning models to predict default on bank loans.

We also aim to take our own medicine by becoming more data-driven in our own organization, using AI to improve our core processes. We are experimenting with various machine learning techniques, including the new GPT models from Open AI.

Tell about a recent success story from the company or an exciting project you are working on.

In our most recent project, which will run through 2023, we will help Enova become a more data-driven organization. Norway has set ambitious climate targets, and Enova will contribute through support schemes and advice on which measures have the most significant effect. Part of the contribution from Kantega will be to establish a new data- and analysis platform and new ways of working with analytical data to make Enova succeed in their mission.

What goals does the company have for the future?

We believe that our clients will have to become more data-driven in the future, and we aim to help them succeed in their digital transformation. Part of the success will be to combine business understanding, deep technical skills, and a cross-functional approach where people with different competencies work together.

Why does Kantega sponsor the AI+ conference?

Conferences like AI+ are an excellent opportunity for us to meet with new potential partners and clients and gain new insights into tech, needs and solutions. 

Facts about the company:

  • Name of business: Kantega AS
  • Number of employees: 200
  • Locations: Oslo, Trondheim, Bergen
  • Industry: IT Consulting
  • Briefly about the product/service: Helping our clients build mission-critical software systems for their businesses.

Highlights from AI+ 2022

The AI+ conference gathers experts, politicians, business people, and others interested in or related to artificial intelligence (AI) in some way or another.

From 3 May to 4 May, 2023, the place to be is Halden, Norway, with speeches, discussions, learnings, socializing and meetings between new and old friends and partners. The common topic for the program will be the latest news on applied AI, so you should not miss out on this yearly and international event.

While waiting, look at some of the pictures from last year’s conference and be excited about what awaits you in May.


All photos: Stein Johnsen, ContentVideo

VIDEO: The human understanding of machine learning

– We live in a marvellous time where machines are solving our problems, states Inga Strümke, PhD, from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) and the Norwegian Open AI Lab.

– But what I find the most interesting is when machines solve problems that we cannot solve ourselves or when we don’t know what machines have learned, she continues.

Inga Strümke was one of the speakers at last year’s AI+ conference. From the stage in Halden, she led the audience through some examples of her fascination with AI – and some of the challenges.

– The better we make machines at explaining themselves, the better we will make them in justifying themselves. I don’t want to enter a future where machines are excellent at justifying bad decisions.

Magnus Carlsen and SHAP

She also gave a glimpse of the complexity of explainable AI (XAI).

– You cannot test your way to understanding a sizeable machine-learning model because of the Curse of Dimensionality, which refers to a set of problems that arise when working with high-dimensional data.

Strümke also presented a vast problem that, although she has been researching it for several years, she considers as a possible unsolvable problem: Machines will model non-human concepts.

In addition, chess players like Magnus Carlsen and Garry Kasparov, stop signs and speed limit signs, and SHAP (a mathematical method for explaining predictions of machine learning models) are among the elements in Strümke’s presentation.

Why attend AI+ 2023?

The AI+ Media Team asked Dr Strümke a few questions after her speech. One of them was “Who would you like to see on stage or in the audience at AI+ 2023?”, and this is what she answered: